I watched the video. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, almost to a point that I wanted to head to the Apple Store at Polo Park to grab one because of its affordable price tag (not available in Canada yet).
Then I stopped, thought, glazed over, then thought again. There were so many things to discuss about the new iPad. From its name to its design and practical use, there were so many things people could comment on. So I thought I'd give it a whirl and took snapshots of the video so we could talk about it. I used the handy-dandy CTRL + PrtSc button on my PC laptop, something that was not available on a Mac. It was so much fun trying to screen-capture the VP's best angles lol.
So here it goes!
The video started with the VP of Design describing the magic that was the iPad.
VP Design - "You know it's true when something exceeds your ability to understand how it works, it sorta becomes magical. And that's exactly what the iPad is..."
- Queue in cheesy bg music (available in iTunes of course)...
The VP of Design made it sound like people don't really know what they were dealing with here. Haha, he said this thing was magical! Hey dude, it's not anything new. This thing just looked like an iTouch, just bigger. Maybe the magic came from a million Apple iFairies embedded in the iPad that powered the device?
Let's look at more pictures of the VP to tell the story...
This was his 'magical' look:
This dude was really passionate I tell ya... I wonder how much he's getting paid.
VP Design goes on to say: "I don't have to change myself to fit the product, it fits me." - what an awesome quote Jony!
Then he smiled.
Then comes the VP Worldwide Product Marketing - whatta title you got there Phil!
You'd think the VP of Worldwide Product Marketing had something sophisticated and definitive to say about the iPad. Instead he said: "The ipad is the best web surfing experience, the best email experience, the best photo and movie-watching experience. It's gonna change the way we do the things we do everyday."
Oh don't forget, this was a video so at this point, the bq music changed to a faster beat... queue in piano concerto no.4... you're definitely dancing now as you watch this. You're iBlood is pumping through your iVeins, ready to commit to buying this thing...
But if you were supposed to market a new product I'm sure using the word 'best' holds no ground. I'm sure some people would ask "How is it the best?" or "Why is it the best?" I understood his use of plain words but in this case, the word 'best' didn't really mean or explain the capabilities of the iPad.
Thanks VP Worldwide Product Marketing, good explanation! (NOT!)
Go back to your office and re-read the fact sheet about the iPad that your marketing team prepared for you for this video.
VP Software was just as helpful in the cliche department. This guy was super iPumped though; very excited. iCaffeine must be free in all Apple offices.
He, too, used the word 'best' in his quote: "iPad is THE best way to browse the web."
- note the emphasis on THE. haha.
This was the best line in the video: "If you see something, you just reach out and tap it, it's completely natural. You don't even think about it, you just...[music stops] DO!"
- Wow! Hahaha... I'm sure they've used that line for the entire Apple line. I liked the part where the music cut out before he said the word 'do'. lol, classic Apple line. And also showed that music in video is a powerful tool!
Ok, ok, let's get serious here. As White Goodman in Dodgeball said: "Go ahead, make your jokes, Mr. Jokey... Joke-maker. But let me hit you with some knowledge..."
The actual dynamics of the iPad was very questionable. Starting with the posture you need to actually use the iPad.
Note how the Apple iModel's body was positioned in the video so he could type on the iPad. That was bad posture!!! I used to work for a big company that really took care of its employees and spent the time for each one to be ergonomically assessed. When working with computers, especially for extended periods of time, proper posture must be used to avoid injury in the long-term. This meant that the wrists and feet must be properly positioned. Also, the neck can't be strained while looking at the monitor which must be a certain number of inches away. I won't get into the specific details but as you can see with the iPad, all those guidelines were thrown out the window! I'd say if you were to use an iPad, limit your usage to 10-20 minutes. This thing is iDangerous to your iLife!
I'm sure chiropractors have a lot to say about the iPad.
That was about the only negative thing I had to say about the iPad: posture while using it.
There was a portion in the video, however, that made a lot of sense. The explanation was clear and conversational. It was from the VP of Hardware and seemed like the only real person in the video and Apple iPad's team. He was a man in his field...
His intro music was serious and compelling, made you really want to listen to what Bob Mansfield had to say. And actually, he did make a lot of sense! He explained multi-touch techonology and it was clear how the iPad worked based on the illustrations in the video.
He said "By putting well over a thousand sensors in this multi-touch design, the level of multi-touch accuracy the customer will experience is unprecedented."
"The backlighting system is LED. And LED is what gives you crispness and colour quality in the display itself."
(But I'm sure Bob meant to say 'color' because he was iMerican.)
"Beyond that we use IPS technology. IPS is a premium display technology that gives you not only a great experience looking directly at the device, but also off angle when you're sharing the device with someone else."
"The reason why this product responds so well, and you really feel the performance on them, is because of the custom silicon that we designed for this product. That silicon is called A4."
- Thanks Bob, now I know how to make my own iPad and the Canadians now have the technology. We will make our own and we're definitely not calling it iPad that's for sure! Bob should be the VP of Worldwide Product Marketing instead. Phil Schiller should work somewhere else, maybe for the 'best' company in the world - wherever that was.
Bob continued to say that this chip was designed by their hardware and software team and I'm thinking yeah but where was it made? In China! (Look at your Apple packaging as it proudly boasts the that your device was design in California but was made in China - nice!)
My magazine group is doing an article of Fair Trade chocolate. This means that cacao bean farmers in the southern regions of the world where conditions are more likely poor get a FAIR share from the profits of their harvest. This means the chocolate beans they harvest are more expensive so the money can dribble back to them. The money helps open doors to development, gives children access to healthcare, education, and a decent standard of living. (go here! - http://fairtrademanitoba.ca/why/faq/)
Which makes me think... Is there such thing as Fair Trade iPods? Or Fair Trade iPhones? Or Fair Trade iPads? If Apple has an agreement with China to manufacture their products for a low cost, do the Chinese workers at the plants get a fair share of Apple's iBillion-dollar profits? Who/where can I get these answers?
Apple's Agenda:
2010, iPad = check
2011, iHeartFT = all Apple products will be Fair Trade certified
2015, iPatch = a handy device you put over your right eye (could be interchangeable with your left eye) that will simulate being IN the internet. Why browse the net when you can be IN it?
If you want another review of the iPad, check this link out. http://www.geektown.ca/2010/01/whats-missing-from-the-ipad.html - His review makes more sense than mine :)